Lateral analysis and graphing for FlightScale!

I finally have lateral envelope analysis integrated in to FlightScale!

The helicopter template will now allow the user to define a longitudinal and lateral envelope and test against both to let you know if you are within the limits or not. The Email Report feature will also display both graphs and details for you to send out.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. More great stuff to come.

FlightPlan E6B released for Android!

FlightPlan is an application I have been developing for iOS since 2008. The android version is the first step to bringing all of that functionality to the android platform.

The android version has initially launch with the basic E6B functions that FlightPlan is known for. FlightPlan for android will continue to improve as I integrate more and more features, and all new features will be included free of charge. I'm always looking for user's feedback, so please feel free to email me with suggestions!

Also, if you notice any anomalies on your device please let me know. It seems to be difficult to predict how the app will look on all devices, and I appreciate your patience while I work through any issues that are reported.

Check it out on the android market here: http://bit.ly/zHjgYq

Helicopter pilots will be happy!

I have almost completed an update that I know helicopter pilots have been waiting for…lateral plot and envelope analysis!

There will be a smaller update hitting your devices within the next few days. After that, I will be finishing up the lateral plot and envelope analysis changes and submitting them. Then, it is just a waiting game until Apple approves the updates.

More stuff to come. Thanks everyone for your patience while I work on your requests.